The climate in Southcentral Alaska is a subarctic climate due to its short, cool summers. Bronen, R., and F. S. Chapin III, 2013: Adaptive governance and institutional strategies for climate-induced community relocations in Alaska. Heavy fogs are infrequent and of short duration, but patchy ground fog is common during the spring and fall. Eicken, H., A. L. Lovecraft, and M. L. Druckenmiller, 2009: Sea-ice system services: A framework to help identify and meet information needs relevant for Arctic observing networks. North Pacific Research Board, North Pacific Research Board, St. Solomons, MD, 259 pp. The beginning of spring is in late May or early June. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, doi: NCEI, 2018: Climate at a Glance. ), medium consensus, Suggestive evidence (a few sources, limited consistency, models incomplete, methods emerging, etc.

U.S. There is very high confidence that continued melting of the Arctic Ocean ice will have an effect on the habitat and behavior of polar bear and walrus. Cherry, J. E., C. Knapp, S. Trainor, A. J. Ray, M. Tedesche, and S. Walker, 2017: Planning for climate change impacts on hydropower in the Far North.

Thorsteinson, L. K., and M. S. Love, 2016: Alaska Arctic marine fish ecology catalog. First, because recreational shellfish harvesting is very popular in Alaska (see Ch. There are so many variables.

The number of nights below freezing would likely decrease by at least 20 nights per year statewide, and by greater than 45 nights annually in coastal areas of the North Slope, Seward Peninsula, Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska Peninsula, and Southcentral Alaska.45 Annual maximum one-day precipitation is projected to increase by 5%–10% in southeastern Alaska and by more than 15% in the rest of the state, although the longest dry and wet spells are not expected to change over most of the state.45 Growing season length (the time between last and first frosts in a given year) is expected to increase by at least 20 days and perhaps more than 40 days compared to the 1982–2010 average.35 Whether or not this increased growing potential is realized will largely depend on soil conditions and precipitation.

Penn, H. J. F., S. C. Gerlach, and P. A. Loring, 2016: Seasons of stress: Understanding the dynamic nature of people's ability to respond to change and surprise. UU. Perlwitz, J., T. Knutson, J. P. Kossin, and A. N. LeGrande, 2017: Large-Scale Circulation and Climate Variability.

In general, even with a warming climate, Alaska is not expected to experience the extremes of heat and humidity found at lower latitudes; however, rising temperatures do pose a risk. Find out more at Many believe that the far northern part of Alaska would be the coldest. Melvin, A. M., J. Murray, B. Boehlert, J.

National Research Council, 2014: The Arctic in the Anthropocene: Emerging Research Questions.

Taylor, P. C., W. Maslowski, J. Perlwitz, and D. J. Wuebbles, 2017: Arctic Changes and their Effects on Alaska and the Rest of the United States.

Chan, H. M., K. Fediuk, S. Hamilton, L. Rostas, A. Caughey, H. Kuhnlein, G. Egeland, and E. Loring, 2006: Food security in Nunavut, Canada: Barriers and recommendations. See Guide to this Report for more on

Wildfires and temperature increases have caused changes in forest types from coniferous to deciduous in interior Alaska, and these changes are projected to continue with increased future warming and fire.95,96 In tundra ecosystems, temperature increases have allowed an increase of shrub-dominated lands.97,98 With the late-summer sea ice edge located farther north than it used to be, storms produce larger waves and cause more coastal erosion.19 In addition, ice that does form is very thin and easily broken up, giving waves more access to the coastline.99 A significant increase in the number of coastal erosion events has been observed as the protective sea ice embankment is no longer present during the fall months.100 In addition, glaciers continue to diminish, and associated runoff influences other terrestrial ecosystems.101.

McNie, E. C., 2012: Delivering climate services: Organizational strategies and approaches for producing useful climate-science information.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau.

When this, too, is threatened, a wider sense of environmental security is at risk.125 Community relocation or the movement of persons away from climate-threatened areas can have intergenerational effects through loss of cultural connections and adverse childhood experiences leading to poorer health outcomes. 24: Northwest, KM 3; Ch.


Documenting Uncertainty: This assessment relies on two metrics to communicate the degree of Permission of the copyright owner must be obtained

Qi, D., L. Chen, B. Chen, Z. Gao, W. Zhong, R. A. Feely, L. G. Anderson, H. Sun, J. Chen, M. Chen, L. Zhan, Y. Zhang, and W.-J. 22: Alaska. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers identified erosion threats to 31 communities requiring partial or complete relocation.123 Relocation costs for seven vulnerable communities identified in a 2009 U.S. Government Accountability Office study ranged from $80 to $200 million per community (dollar year not reported).122,218 Beyond financial cost, additional challenges of relocation involve legal and policy obstacles, as well as deep cultural ties to landscape and place.

The effectiveness of these methods for reducing human health risk has not been established.7, An example of climate-associated disease emergence and response is the 2004 outbreak of acute gastroenteritis that was associated with consumption of raw farmed oysters contaminated by the bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Temperatures in the 70s are considered very warm; seldom do high temperatures ever reach the lower or middle 80s. EPA 430-R-16-004. More flexible service connections have been used to reduce damage from movement caused by permafrost thawing.165 People cope with water shortages by use of rainwater catchment or other untreated water sources, reuse of water used for clothes or personal hygiene, or rationing of water to prioritize drinking and cooking. En esta zona se encuentra el Parque Nacional y Reserva Denali, lugar que alberga el monte McKinley, el pico más alto de América del Norte, con 6194 metros. In.

Hong, E., R. Perkins, and S. Trainor, 2014: Thaw settlement hazard of permafrost related to climate warming in Alaska. Subsistence hunting, fishing, and gathering provide hundreds of pounds of food per person per year in many Alaska Native villages.189,190 Producing, preparing, sharing, and consuming these foods provide a wealth of nutritional, spiritual, cultural, social, and economic benefits.

Even among those conditions, underreporting of illnesses is common due to healthcare-seeking behavior, lack of recognition by medical providers due to unfamiliarity or limited diagnostic capacities, or incomplete compliance.

The distribution of many ocean fish species is shifting northward as the ranges of warmer-water species expand and colder-water species contract in response to rising ocean temperatures (Ch. Kienholz, C., S. Herreid, J. L. Rich, A.

Tape, K. D., D. D. Gustine, R. W. Ruess, L. G. Adams, and J.

Changes in climate can have positive and negative impacts on these resources.9,10,11, As part of the Arctic, Alaska is on the front lines of climate change12,13 and is among the fastest warming regions on Earth (Ch. YKHC, 2017: Injury Prevention Store.

Data from ambulatory clinic visits, community surveys, or syndrome-based surveillance efforts would be needed to detect and characterize uncommon or less severe health occurrences. IAWG, 2009: Recommendations to the Governor's Subcabinet on Climate Change. Associated Press, 2017: “Shifting permafrost threatens Alaska village's new airport.”.

Second, some health threats are based on a combination of well-documented climate-driven environmental changes and records of anecdotal community observations of health impacts. Hobson, G., 1992: Traditional knowledge is science. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA,.

Seung, C., and J. Ianelli, 2016: Regional economic impacts of climate change: A computable general equilibrium analysis for an Alaska fishery. Each of these will have different manifestations for Alaskans when compared to residents elsewhere in the United States.

certainty in Key Findings. These changes can result in positive and negative health effects; many are site specific, and documentation is highly dependent on availability of monitoring or reporting data. Más allá del círculo polar ártico se puede ver el fenómeno del Sol de medianoche. 2017,37 after Hartmann and Wendler 2005;38 see Figure 26.1). Mito: Los veranos en Alaska son siempre frescos.

Fairbanks suele tener temperaturas de verano de alrededor de 80 °F y, a veces, de hasta 90 °F. Thus, sporadic events with geographic variability such as storms or HABs may have a range of human health effects from none to severe, depending on the timing and location of exposure. 28 pp.

8: Mental health and well-being.

Moore, S. E., and P. J. Stabeno, 2015: Synthesis of Arctic Research (SOAR) in marine ecosystems of the Pacific Arctic. There is significant uncertainty in the projected increase of shipping through the Arctic and the Bering Strait, since much of this increase will be driven by economic factors and not climate or other environmental change. Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 14 pp.

Field Notes.

Ford, J. D., T. Pearce, F. Duerden, C. Furgal, and B. Smit, 2010: Climate change policy responses for Canada's Inuit population: The importance of and opportunities for adaptation. ¿Qué mejor manera de recordar un viaje a Alaska que con un souvenir o artículo coleccionable único?

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