The vital activities of an organism, especially tissue respiration, are accompanied by the oxidative decomposition of organic compounds and the liberation of CO2 into the external medium. At elevated temperatures, carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon oxides and will rob oxygen from metal oxides to leave the elemental metal. [101] In 1772, Antoine Lavoisier showed that diamonds are a form of carbon; when he burned samples of charcoal and diamond and found that neither produced any water and that both released the same amount of carbon dioxide per gram. [33], Of the other discovered allotropes, carbon nanofoam is a ferromagnetic allotrope discovered in 1997.

   Melting Point The number of organic compounds of carbon, namely, hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon derivatives, is exceedingly large. Small amounts of 14C (approximately 2 × 10–10 percent by weight) are constantly being formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere by the action of cosmic neutron radiation on 14N.

Only approximately 10 percent of the fossil fuels extracted is used as a raw material in industrial organic synthesis, petrochemical synthesis, and the production of plastics.

[62], Carbon is a constituent (about 12% by mass) of the very large masses of carbonate rock (limestone, dolomite, marble and so on).
It is dark gray or black, crystalline (often in the form of slippery scales), greasy, and soft, with a metallic luster...... Click the link for more information. Inorganic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is converted by plants into simple carbohydrates, which are then used to produce more complex substances...... Click the link for more information. The unique capacity of carbon atoms to form bonds with one another resulting in long stable chains and rings accounts for the enormous number and great variety of carbon compounds, the study of which is the province of organic chemistry. Pure carbon has extremely low toxicity to humans and can be handled safely in the form of graphite or charcoal. The most powerful mechanism for the assimilation of carbon (in the form of CO2) is photosynthesis, which is everywhere carried out by green plants. Most diamond deposits are in Africa, notably in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, the Republic of the Congo, and Sierra Leone. C, a chemical element of group IV of Mendeleev’s periodic system.

The carbon is extracted in the form of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, substances that are major sources of energy. Amorphous graphite is the lowest quality and most abundant. Many great advances in the study of metabolism and of the carbon cycle in nature have been linked to the use of carbon isotopes in biological and medical research. A distinguishing feature of graphite is the capacity to react with alkali metals and halides upon moderate heating (to 300°-400oC) to yield inclusion compounds of the type C8M, C24M, or C8X, where × is a halogen and M is a metal. A hard, gray, massive, porous fuel, coke is the solid residue remaining after bituminous coal is heated to a high temperature out of..... Click the link for more information. Carbon's abundance, its unique diversity of organic compounds, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth enables this element to serve as a common element of all known life. The properties of fullerenes (split into buckyballs, buckytubes, and nanobuds) have not yet been fully analyzed and represent an intense area of research in nanomaterials. The use of 14C has facilitated advances in molecular biology in the study of the mechanisms of protein biosynthesis and the transfer of genetic information.

The origin of life on the earth is considered by modern science to have been a complex process of evolution of carbon compounds. It occurs in veins along intrusive contacts in solid lumps, and it is only commercially mined in Sri Lanka. [121], The dominant industrial use of diamond is in cutting, drilling, grinding, and polishing. Carbon forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, with almost ten million compounds described to date,[19] and yet that number is but a fraction of the number of theoretically possible compounds under standard conditions. The content of carbon in living organisms, as a percentage of dry mass, is 34.5–40 percent in aquatic plants and animals, 45.4–46.5 percent in terrestrial plants and animals, and 54 percent in bacteria. The three relatively well-known allotropes of carbon are amorphous carbon, graphite, and diamond. However, most organometallic chemists consider metal complexes with any carbon ligand, even 'inorganic carbon' (e.g., carbonyls, cyanides, and certain types of carbides and acetylides) to be organometallic in nature. [46] Similarly, glassy carbon contains a high proportion of closed porosity,[37] but contrary to normal graphite, the graphitic layers are not stacked like pages in a book, but have a more random arrangement. It is largely pure carbon. The English name carbon comes from the Latin carbo for coal and charcoal,[98] whence also comes the French charbon, meaning charcoal. Graphite sublimes at a temperature of approximately 3700°C at atmospheric pressure. Carbon has two stable, naturally occurring isotopes. Carbon reacts at temperatures above 600°-800°C with steam and carbon dioxide. The most prominent oxide is carbon dioxide (CO2). It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. While CO2functions mainly as a source of carbon, it also, when dissolved in water and biological fluids, helps to maintain the optimal level of acidity for an organism’s vital activities. Here, each atom is bonded tetrahedrally to four others, forming a 3-dimensional network of puckered six-membered rings of atoms. Garnering much excitement is the possible use of diamond as a semiconductor suitable for microchips, and because of its exceptional heat conductance property, as a heat sink in electronics.[125].

, lampblack, peatpeat,soil material consisting of partially decomposed organic matter, found mainly in swamps and bogs in various parts of the northern temperate zone but also in some semitropical and tropical regions...... Click the link for more information. It consists of hexagonal crystals, with a = 2.462 angstroms (Å) and c = 6.701 Å.
   Alkaline Earth Metals [123][124] With the continuing advances in the production of synthetic diamonds, new applications are becoming feasible. [68] In 1961, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted the isotope carbon-12 as the basis for atomic weights. Deposits of graphite in Borrowdale, Cumberland, England were at first of sufficient size and purity that, until the 19th century, pencils were made simply by sawing blocks of natural graphite into strips before encasing the strips in wood. At atmospheric pressure it has no melting point, as its triple point is at 10.8±0.2 MPa and 4,600 ± 300 K (4,330 ± 300 °C; 7,820 ± 540 °F),[2][3] so it sublimes at about 3,900 K (3,630 °C; 6,560 °F). Diamond is the best known naturally occurring, This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 00:20. [55] Since the mass of the earth is 5.972×1024 kg, this would imply 4360 million gigatonnes of carbon. Liquid carbon can be obtained at pressures greater than 10.5 MN/m2 (105 kgf/cm2) and temperatures above 3700°C. [76] The triple-alpha process happens in conditions of temperatures over 100 megakelvins and helium concentration that the rapid expansion and cooling of the early universe prohibited, and therefore no significant carbon was created during the Big Bang. This isotope is also commonly used as an isotope tracer. The CNO cycle is an additional hydrogen fusion mechanism that powers stars, wherein carbon operates as a catalyst. The entry of air during the carbonization process is controlled so that the organic material does not turn to ash, as in a conventional..... Click the link for more information. Certain active metals react with it to make industrially important carbides, such as silicon carbide (an abrasive known as carborundum), calcium carbide, used for producing acetylene gas, and tungsten carbide, an extremely hard substance used for rock drills and metalworking tools. Wood, coal and oil are used as fuel for production of energy and heating. [104] Some iron again was left, which the French scientists thought was necessary to the graphite structure. [122] Specialized applications include use in laboratories as containment for high pressure experiments (see diamond anvil cell), high-performance bearings, and limited use in specialized windows. The direct combination of carbon with chlorine occurs in an electric arc.

Distribution in nature. With nitrogen it forms alkaloids, and with the addition of sulfur also it forms antibiotics, amino acids, and rubber products. At very high pressures, carbon forms the more compact allotrope, diamond, having nearly twice the density of graphite. The hydrocarbons differ both in the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in their molecules and in the proportion of hydrogen to carbon...... Click the link for more information.    Crystal Structure, Element Groups: It does not react with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, chlorine or any alkalis. Examples are provided by biopolymers and by the many low-molecular-weight biologically active substances, such as vitamins, hormones, and mediators. Isotopes of carbon are atomic nuclei that contain six protons plus a number of neutrons (varying from 2 to 16). Carbon has been known to humans in its various forms since ancient times.

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