We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. they develop at any age are more common in young woman , often teen ages and are mistaken for cancer , it is a benign breast growth ( Pseudopsora / psychosis ) that most … Breast lumps  normal report completely cured  all symptoms subsided  no arthritis  pain no skin itching  no stomach pain   knees pain  completely cured all symptoms   she took these medicines for 3 months  after 1 month gap  she brought all laboratory report   Date 22-8-2015   Completely normal report Biopsy/mammography    She came with all reports and presented to my clinic  are found normal allopathic doctor surprised   after seeing the report  doctor asked her how disease cured miraculously   what is the treatment you have  taken she told  doctor  I have taken  Homoeopathic  medicines only  her uncle  allopathic doctor felt happy  doctor advised her  not take any  medicines   all reports are normal  her family also felt  very happy it is being cured only homoeopathic medicines all reports are attached with this article  . Most are cured, in fact over 85%. Cytological Features Consistent With Benign Cyst In Right Breast Fibroadenoma Right Birads Category -3 Cured By Homeopathic Medicines Fibroadenomas are the most common benign tumors of the female breast . If it's a birads 3 obvious-looking fibroadenoma the changes of it being cancer is extremely low. Karnataka State, India CHICKMAGALUR. Okay Jess, you obviously haven’t been listening so, below are some questions and answers …, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15856253, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10352614, references for this post are on this page.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: The data of 318 women with 349 biopsy-proven fibroadenomas, a 6-month follow-up, and a follow-up of ≥ 24 months were retrospectively reviewed. Amenorrhoea is a symptom, not a disease, and has a... Menstruation usually commence in young girls between the ages of 12 and 14 and often considers with the development of secondary sexual characteristics (breast enlargement and pubic hair growth ) two hormones , oestrogen and progesterone control the... Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. most commonly  they are solitary   very rarely   multiple  ,  occurs  in young patient  usually  unmarried . Breasts lumps   breasts  – Arsenicum iod –Phytolacca,  Bellis perinnis  , CONIUM , Pulsatilla ,  silicea CALCAREA FLOUR , LYCO ,  sepia  ,  Cimicifuga .CONIUM MAC Mammary glands  are  hard and  sore , A typical  carcinoma   of the  breast , that is  Scirrhous  adeno carcinoma  which  begins  in the  ducts  and  ends  in the  parenchyma  As  be stage  advances  the Coopers   ligament  ,  shortens  and  thus  it  produces   the  noth  , sometimes  be conditions is  associated with the  inflammation  of the  breast  tissue  ,  the region is  hard  and nodular , tender  to  touch  burning  and  stinging pains  in the breast the  skin  over  the tumor  is  adherent   occasionally   there is   discharge of pus  from  the  nipple  the lesion  is hard  , almost   cartilaginous  .

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