Association between the site of relapse and subtype was assessed in multivariate models using logistic regression. 102. Jpn J Clin Oncol.

55. Nimgaonkar A et al. Studies suggest that their effect may not be restricted to bone and may also decrease relapse in other sites.49 In addition, luminal B, luminal/HER2, and HER2-enriched groups may be particularly relevant populations to include in trials of adjuvant bisphosphonates or therapies targeting the RANK ligand pathway.

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Analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.1.3; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and the R Statistical Language (version 2.9.0; Borysiewicz LK, Fiander A, Nimako, Man S, Willkinson GWG, Estmoreland D, Evans AS, Adams M, Stacey SN, Boursnell MEG, Rutherford E, Hickling JK, Inkglis SC. Foulkes WD et al. The authors also briefly discuss whether there is any relationship between tumour size and metastatic potential, and recent advances in treatment for metastatic breast cancer.

Immunology Today 16(3)117-121. Conception and design: Hagen Kennecke, Rinat Yerushalmi, Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, Karen Gelmon, Financial support: Hagen Kennecke, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Administrative support: Hagen Kennecke, Ryan Woods, Caroline H. Speers, Provision of study materials or patients: Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, David Voduc, Caroline H. Speers, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Collection and assembly of data: Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, David Voduc, Caroline H. Speers, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Data analysis and interpretation: Hagen Kennecke, Rinat Yerushalmi, Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, David Voduc, Caroline H. Speers, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Manuscript writing: Hagen Kennecke, Rinat Yerushalmi, Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, David Voduc, Caroline H. Speers, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Final approval of manuscript: Hagen Kennecke, Rinat Yerushalmi, Ryan Woods, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, David Voduc, Caroline H. Speers, Torsten O. Nielsen, Karen Gelmon, Table A1. 121. Studies using chimeric antigen receptor T cells engineered to target the mucin 1 protein expressed on breast cancer cells have shown promising preclinical results66 and this therapy is currently undergoing clinical trials.67 Major challenges with these approaches include the cost of treatment and the difficulty in isolating sufficient activated tumour-specific T cells from patients.

Available at: Feltkamp MCW, Smits HL, Vierboom MPM, Minnaar, RP, de Jongh BM, Drijfhout JW, ter-Schegget J, Melief CJM & Kast WM (1993) Vaccination with cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope containing peptide against a tumor induced by human Papillomavirus type 16-transformed cells. Hawnaur JM, Johson RJ, Carrington BM et al (1998) Predictive value of clinical examination, transrectal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging prior to radiotherapy in carcinoma of the cervix. 3271-3277. 71. J Natl Cancer Inst 90 ,960-963, 172. Immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer. Baseline Clinical and Pathologic Characteristics and Survival Estimates of 3,726 Patients With Early Breast Cancer According to Breast Cancer Subtype. Am J Obstet Gynecol 88 932943, 64. Current American Society of Clinical Oncology surveillance guidelines for patients diagnosed with early-stage disease recommend regular follow-up with mammogram, history and physical examination, and no other routine laboratory or imaging studies.45–47 The high frequency of brain metastases among patients with HER2-enriched (28.7%), basal-like (25.2%), and TN nonbasal (22%) disease may support a more aggressive approach to imaging for patients with newly diagnosed distant disease. A major strength of this study is that a full review of the medical records allowed the documentation of all the clinically and pathologically documented metastatic lesions, thereby providing a detailed picture.

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JCO Oncology Practice Eur J Cancer, 34 (14):2218-2225. Strønen E et al. ASCO Daily News

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