“The concern here is that there is a direct connection between these resolutions and the antisemitic incidents, including assaults, harassment and vandalism, that will surely follow. Many Iranian Azeris, who estimates suggest may comprise up to a quarter or even a third of Iran’s population, have been demonstrating against Tehran’s support for Armenia while praising Israel for its deep strategic ties with Azerbaijan. As part of the U.S.-brokered Abraham Accords, Jerusalem and Manama sign a joint communique and eight MoUs covering fields such as commerce, IT and agriculture. “If it if it doesn’t work, they gave it a damn good try.”, The positivity rate for the tests is currently about 1 percent. University of Hawaii to host program featuring documented Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled. University Of Illinois - Urbana Salaries . Our ability to thrive in 2020 and beyond depends on the generosity of committed readers and supporters. “Targets are plenty,” says Islamic State spokesman, accusing Saudi Arabia of backing normalization with Israel by opening its airspace to the Jewish state. Other researchers put together a detailed computer model that suggested these measures would work, and that in-person instruction could go forward this fall. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign did not respond to a request for comment regarding the upcoming vote. Israel and Bahrain seal ‘diplomatic, peaceful, friendly’ relations. Enough students continued to go to parties even after testing positive, showing how even the best thought-out plans to keep college education moving can fail when humans do not heed common sense or the commands from public health officials. Take the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois Community Pledge and show that you’re doing your part to maintain the well-being of yourself and your family, friends, colleagues, classmates, university and community. European Jewish group slams Munich auction house for selling Nazi memorabilia. New York’s governor and mayor could have handled the situation far better with communities wanting to “worship and attend funerals.”, Israeli health officials: Country no longer contains COVID-19 ‘hotspots’. get the best of the algemeiner straight to your inbox! First official UAE delegation to visit Israel. The 65-year-old is at high risk, particularly after a lung transplant he underwent in the United States in 2017. We are being relied upon to tell the story of this crisis as it affects Israel and the global Jewish community, and explain the extraordinary political developments taking place in parallel. The EAPC-MED-RED plan, which will include other countries as well, is to avoid crossing the Suez Canal and save time for Asia buyers. The Oct. 23 event, “We Will Not Be Silenced: The Case of Khaled and Solidarity from Hawaii to Palestine,” will take place via Zoom. (September 21, 2020 / JNS) The student government of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is scheduled to vote on a resolution on Wednesday that in part calls on the university to divest from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Company, Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar Inc. and Elbit Systems Ltd. for what the resolution alleges is partaking in human-rights violations in the Palestinian territories. The Palestinians’ view of the US elections. For example, the model showed that once-a-week screening, as university administrators originally planned, was too little, too slow. It will focus on advancing the Sept. 15 treaty Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi signed in Washington with an emphasis on Muslim tourism to Israel, particularly to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Everyone has to wear masks. “It might be a first sign for peace that could maybe happen in the future,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week. The assailant was shot dead by police when he tried to attack the officers while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”. ‘Jewish Journal of Los Angeles’ ends print edition, plans to move online, It seeks to expand its “reach and continue to look for diverse voices across the ideological spectrum to provide insightful commentary.”, Why the UAE is looking to Israel to secure its food supplies, JDC names Ariel Zwang as the agency’s new CEO. A look into the IDF’s mysterious new elite unit that could revolutionize the battlefield, In first official visit, UAE ministers arrive in Israel to formalize agreements. There were few signs of the virus spreading in classrooms or from students to the people in the surrounding towns of Champaign and Urbana. University scientists developed a quick, inexpensive saliva test. Could Lebanon’s first negotiations with Israel in decades lead to normalization? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, EU Executive Body Announces ‘Comprehensive Strategy’ to Counter Antisemitism in 2021, Jews Cannot Ignore the Hatred and Threat of QAnon, New York Times Op-Ed Glorifies Farrakhan March, as Bari Weiss Says Jew Hate Is Times Blind Spot, Senior PLO Official Erekat Taken to Israeli Hospital After COVID-19 Condition Worsens, San Diego Cops Arrest 14-Year-Old Boy for Antisemitic Assault on Rabbi, French Police Arrest Pro-Hamas Activist in Connection With Beheading of Paris School Teacher. The university increased the mandate to two tests a week, although now that schedule is only for undergraduate students. The push by the Trump administration for official diplomatic ties between the two nations comes in the wake of the Abraham Accords. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It also accuses Northrop Grumman for providing “weapons guidance system and missiles used in attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza … ”, Additionally, the resolution alleges that “Raytheon weaponry has been used against Palestinian and Yemeni civilians in incidents that have been condemned by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations as war crimes …” and “co-developed with IMI Systems guided mortars that killed 20 civilians outside of an [United Nations Relief and Works Agency] school in Jabaliya, Gaza, which was being used as a shelter during ‘Operation Protective Edge’ in 2014.”, It further points to Lockheed Martin of providing “the Israeli military with various weapons systems that targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure, including medics, ambulances, U.N. shelters, on numerous occasions in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.”, Moreover, the resolution mentions that Caterpillar “has been warned by the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights about its sales to the IDF, pointing to their use of demolishing Palestinian villages, actions deemed internationally illegal by the U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334 in 2016.”, The resolution claims that “Caterpillar Inc. provides Caterpillar Israel with armored excavators and D9 bulldozers used in urban areas to destroy civilian infrastructure such as Palestinian homes, refugee camps, water cisterns, agricultural fields and build illegal Israeli settlements … ”, It accuses Caterpillar Inc. of “play[ing] a role in erasing the indigenous character of Palestine by clearing thousands of acres of biodiverse native habitat replacing them with non-native forests” and “aid[ing] in the massive ethnic cleansing of 40,000-70,000 of the Bedouin living in the Negev region of southern Israel. What the scientists had not taken into account was that some students would continue partying after they received a positive test result. Most Jewish media are advocating increasingly biased progressive political and social agendas. Nigel Goldenfeld, one of the physicists who was the butt of the comic strip, replied in good humor. The campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The resolution, obtained by JNS, alleges that Israel-based Elbit Systems is a “main supplier of surveillance technology for the separation wall in the occupied West Bank, a wall the International Court of Justice has called a violation of human rights.” “It was willful noncompliance by a small group of people,” said one university physicist. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Facebook and TikTok, however, each sent a senior representative in the same week that Facebook also banned Holocaust denial on its platform. Monthly donations in particular go a long way in helping us sustain our operations. Coronavirus Project Coordinator Ronni Gamzu says that though the ultra-Orthodox cities of Bnei Brak and Elad still have significant morbidity rates, they are eligible to lose their “red” classification. “In reality, student BDS resolutions carry absolutely no weight; universities will take zero action regardless of the outcome of the votes,” AMCHA Initiative co-founder and director Tammi Rossman-Benjamin told JNS. Top Hamas official: Arab states cut financial aid to Palestinians over US pressure. In response to the question of how the president “is covered by the mainstream media,” 76 percent said “mostly unfair,” 14 percent said “mostly fair,” and 10 percent replied neither or not sure. university administrators said in a letter to students, College journalists report on their lives in lockdown, strain on millions of poor U.S. college students, offer advice on how to make remote learning work, some fraternities and sororities, as well as some off-campus housing, that were throwing parties, now that schedule is only for undergraduate students. She added that the University of Illinois has become a safe haven “for this vile Jew-hating movement,” and that “it is not surprising as one of the major epicenters of Jew-hatred in America today is found in our universities.”. It is building parks over the ruins of Bedouin villages that would only be accessible to nearby Jewish settlements.”, Finally, the resolution calls for “one student representative from Students for Justice in Palestine” to be part of a task force that would be created by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chancellor Robert Jones “charged with divesting from corporations and index funds that violate human rights and reinvest in socially and environmentally responsible companies and index funds.”. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a campus that is gathered in the Association of American Universities and has a classification as a place for R1 doctoral research due to good research activities. Many student governments have begun to see through the BDS charade and call it out for their respective student bodies.”. The chief Palestinian negotiator was placed in an induced coma at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center due to complications. They cannot enter campus buildings unless an app vouches that their test has come back negative. The decapitation of 47-year-old Samuel Paty in a Paris suburb has authorities and the public in France up in arms • Thousands protest the violent act, reminiscent of the 2015 “Charlie Hebdo” massacre. The launch, which sent people running for shelter in Netiv Ha’asara, was the second such attack this month • No casualties or damage reported. ILLINOIS | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Skip to … JNS.org – The student government of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is scheduled to vote on a resolution on Wednesday that in part calls on the university to divest from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Company, Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar Inc. and Elbit Systems Ltd. for what the resolution alleges is partaking in human rights violations in the Palestinian territories. Despite Covid-19, JWed Surpasses 3,500 Married! “Being able to have an in-person semester at a school of that size with that kind of social atmosphere is really a remarkable accomplishment and I think they have a reasonable chance of pulling it off,” he said. After teacher’s beheading, French police crack down on suspected Islamic extremists. (It’s harder to make jokes about civil engineers.). Israeli envoy asks Belgian news site to remove photo of masked ultra-Orthodox Jew, Ambassador Emmanuel Nahshon tweets that use by “The Brussels Times” of such a picture to illustrate a story on international COVID-19 deaths is “unnecessary and unpleasant.”, US to delist Sudan as state sponsor of terror, paving way for normalization with Israel. French President Emmanuel Macron “offended” Muslims by describing the beheading of 47-year-old teacher Samuel Paty as “Islamist terrorism,” TV host Mohamed Abdelbaky says on Turkish TV. What’s it like on a campus where the entire student body is supposed to quarantine. For one, while he and a fellow physicist, Sergei Maslov, had devoted effort to an epidemiological model for all of Illinois, the more detailed university simulation, modeling the movements of some 46,000 students, professors and others like servers in coffee shops and bars who interact with students, was the effort of a larger group and led by Dr. Goldenfeld and Ahmed E. Elbanna, a professor of civil and environmental engineering. Dr. Goldenfeld said the notoriety of recent days even had some upside: The XKCD zinging gave him “street cred” with his daughters, he said. That’s very, very dangerous.”. She is also the first woman to hold the position in the history of the social-service organization. “I am hopeful. The latest on how schools are reopening amid the pandemic. “It was willful noncompliance by a small group of people,” Dr. Goldenfeld said. IDF says it uncovered new terror tunnel from Gaza Strip into southern Israel, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz said despite the recent quiet, “beneath the surface, terrorist organizations continue their efforts to harm Israeli citizens and our sovereignty.”, US envoy Carr: 1.7 million anti-Semitic posts on Facebook, Twitter in 2020. ISIS calls for attacks on Westerners, oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia. Jewish leaders and groups, specifically the ultra-Orthodox community, have sharply criticized the two leaders for their enforcement of coronavirus restrictions amid a spike in cases. March of the Living launches global interfaith initiative to commemorate Kristallnacht: #LetThereBeLight, More than 25% of Masa Fellows Volunteer During Israel’s Lockdown, Orthodox Union Women’s Initiative Starts Virtual Weekly Parsha Series, New Jersey and Israeli Medical Centers Collaborate on Healthcare Innovation, Orthodox Union Opens Applications for Third Cohort of Impact Accelerator, New eBook Of Essays About Outstanding Books About Zionism Offered For Free, “ISRESILIENCE: What Israelis Can Teach The World” Available October 15, Joel Rubin appointed as Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress. JNS is providing more and more readers with a welcome alternative and an ideological home. It is building parks over the ruins of Bedouin villages that would only be accessible to nearby Jewish settlements.”, Finally, the resolution calls for “one student representative from Students for Justice in Palestine” to be part of a task force that would be created by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chancellor Robert Jones “charged with divesting from corporations and index funds that violate human rights and reinvest in socially and environmentally responsible companies and index funds.”. Taraji P. Henson Honored by Ruderman Family Foundation for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, Jerusalem College of Technology Holds Conference Examining Intersection Between Health and Religious Lifestyle, ‘Hidden Sparks’ Releases 5 Tips for Teachers Transitioning Back to Virtual Learning, HaShevet joins 29 Jewish Groups Urging U.S. College Presidents to Protect Jewish Students From Rising Antisemitism, Combat Anti-Semitism Movement Hosts High Holiday Briefing with US Special Envoy to Monitor & Combat Anti-Semitism, Chalk up another one for the Palestinian Authority, High School Seniors Launch Lishmah, a Free Jewish Learning Platform Making Daily Learning Accessible for All, Alfred Landecker Foundation launches new ‘Decoding Antisemitism’ project to Stop Hate Online using Artificial Intelligence, JPPI’s 2020 Annual Assessment Reflects Immediate & Alarming Challenges Confronting Jewish Community Worldwide, Despite Strict Lockdown Conditions, Israeli Sense of Community Will Prevent Onset of PTSD, Meet the US Jewish graduates who moved to Israel amid second Covid-19 wave to volunteer with children in periphery, America’s 1st Israeli art lending library launched at Northeastern University, Thousands of Jews Internationally To Learn Torah Together through Orthodox Union’s Torah Yerushalayim, Orthodox Union Launches Virtual Torah Learning Platform, Since beginning of 2020, 120 Israelis have died alone at home and remained undiscovered for days after their deaths, StandWithUs Condemns Hiring of Saeb Erekat by Harvard University, Israeli Diplomat Israel Nitzan named Acting Consul General of Israel in New York, EMET Applauds the Trump Administration For Achieving Yet Another Historic Peace Deal, Between Israel And Bahrain, Study of Arad texts shows many ancient Judeans were literate, Israeli Diplomat Galit Peleg named Acting Consul General of Israel in Miami, Public Relations Firm Steinreich Communications Expands Reach Into United Arab Emirates, Tikvah Fund Launches Online Academy for Middle School, High School, & Gap Year Students, Alfred Landecker Foundation Announces $13 Million Dollar Grant to Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Scientists pick and taste ancient dates for first time since the Second Temple, Israeli Arab women in Deir Al Asad learn basic CPR, Justice Solberg to Netanyahu: Request to postpone hearing on Khan al Ahmar is ‘an embarrassment’, Jerusalem College of Technology Holds Conference on Sexual Assault, Authentic Bais Medrash Now Accessible Online, More Than 16,500 Tune into Weekly Movie Series about Heroism of Rescuers During the Holocaust, 1,100 Participate in the Inauguration of OU Kosher’s Community Relations Department, Israeli security experts thank US for “expending significant American diplomatic capital” for Israel-UAE peace, New Humanitarian Dispatch Center Distributing Financial Aid Ahead of Holidays To People Hit By Coronavirus, StandWithUs Urges Suspension of Massive Arabic Facebook Page for Promoting Vile Antisemitism, Experts Discuss Israel’s Legal Rights to Judea and Samaria in Light of UAE Peace Deal, Orthodox Union Kosher App Unveils Tevilas Keilim, Bug Checking and Pas Yisroel tools, Virtual Series In Preparation for Upcoming High Holidays Launches, Record 2,600 Retirees Participate in Orthodox Union Virtual Programs During Pandemic, Kitah Unveils a new Online Jewish Education Platform to Help Schools Weather the COVID Crisis, For The First Time Since Its Inception – United Hatzalah Receives Official Visit From Israeli Health Minister, Orthodox Union Launches Boot Camp to Train High Holiday Baalei Tefillot, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Pro-Israel groups slammed the upcoming vote. The Palestinian Authority no longer hides its disdain for U.S. President Donald Trump and openly hopes for a Joe Biden victory on Nov. 3. Safer Illinois app. Everything is going in the right direction.”. The main themes of the Oct. 20-22 event will be “aliyah,” the effect of COVID-19 on global Jewish communities and growing anti-Semitism. They cannot enter campus … With individuals forced into home quarantine, most are turning further online for information, education and social interaction. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, more than 40,000 students take tests twice a week for the coronavirus. The president of the State University of New York at Oneonta, where more than 700 students tested positive for the virus. It’s no surprise that Israelis want Trump while American Jews back Biden. JNS's influence and readership are growing exponentially, and our positioning sets us apart. The split isn’t so much about Middle East policy as it is about the nature of the two societies. It further points to Lockheed Martin of providing “the Israeli military with various weapons systems that targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure, including medics, ambulances, UN shelters, on numerous occasions in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.”, Moreover, the resolution mentions that Caterpillar “has been warned by the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights about its sales to the IDF, pointing to their use of demolishing Palestinian villages, actions deemed internationally illegal by the UN Security Council Resolution 2334 in 2016.”, The resolution claims that “Caterpillar Inc. provides Caterpillar Israel with armored excavators and D9 bulldozers used in urban areas to destroy civilian infrastructure such as Palestinian homes, refugee camps, water cisterns, agricultural fields and build illegal Israeli settlements … ”, It accuses Caterpillar Inc. of “play[ing] a role in erasing the indigenous character of Palestine by clearing thousands of acres of biodiverse native habitat replacing them with non-native forests” and “aid[ing] in the massive ethnic cleansing of 40,000-70,000 of the Bedouin living in the Negev region of southern Israel. “In reality, student BDS resolutions carry absolutely no weight; universities will take zero action regardless of the outcome of the votes,” AMCHA Initiative Co-Founder and Director Tammi Rossman-Benjamin told JNS. Number of employees at University Of Illinois - Urbana in year 2018 was 12995. A University Had a Great Coronavirus Plan, but Students Partied On. Large outbreaks expanded on campuses as new semesters were underway. Transparency International’s global index ranks Israel in its highest category with respect to enforcing laws barring the bribery of foreign officials. Students had to stay in their dorms or off-campus housing except for essential activities, which included going to class. Student government at University of Illinois-Urbana to vote on BDS resolution, BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, It alleges Israel-based Elbit Systems supplies “surveillance technology for the separation wall in the occupied West Bank, a wall the International Court of Justice has called a violation of human rights.”. Credit: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The funds released by the university are very stable at $ 642, and make their research activities the best. “The Palestinian, Arab and Islamic right is all of Palestine. We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you blessings for good health and peace of mind. “It’s higher than we would like, but it’s coming down,” said Rebecca Lee Smith, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois. Those were the key ingredients for a few people infecting many others. CHIME puts students to … World Zionist Congress to convene online for first time due to pandemic. But, he noted, it was not a completely accurate portrayal of what happened. “If someone had asked me a few months ago if I would be here making a speech in Tel Aviv, I would have said this is impossible,” says Etihad 787-10 Dreamliner captain Saleh Abdullah. Since the university clamped down last week, the number of new cases has dropped again, and the hope is that all students will now take the protocols more seriously. Andrew Cuomo’s shutting down of houses of worship in “color-coded” COVID-19 hotspots as unfairly targeting Chassidic and other Orthodox Jewish communities. But he warned that “there will be no peace with Lebanon as long as Hezbollah is in control of it.”, Israeli orchestra sends musical love letter to Arab states, How the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict can impact Israel’s strategic landscape. Oracle is a technology company that focuses on database solutions, cloud computing, and enterprise software. We believe Safer Illinois offers the most convenient, most secure and most direct tool for managing your COVID-19 … Pro-Israel groups slammed the upcoming vote. Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement. Dr. Goldenfeld said the main purpose of the model was not to make precise predictions, but to help administrators make informed choices on what precautions made sense. She added that the University of Illinois has become a safe haven “for this vile Jew-hating movement,” and that “it is not surprising as one of the major epicenters of Jew-hatred in America today is found in our universities.”. Many student governments have begun to see through the BDS charade and call it out for their respective student bodies.”. “We enjoyed the joke,” he said. In an exclusive interview, U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism discusses the “raw hate” against Jews on social media and his causes for optimism. Poll: 75 percent of US Jews would vote for Biden, while 22 percent for Trump. Carl T. Bergstrom, a professor of biology at the University of Washington in Seattle and an infectious disease expert, said most of the other large state universities were “opening and hoping for the best without doing any kind of serious testing or they’ve switched to largely online education.”, What the University of Illinois has tried to do is “pretty unusual,” Dr. Bergstrom said. Students who were infected soon after a test cleared them would be infectious for days before the next test. “We shall remember this day—a glorious day of peace,” says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the welcoming ceremony at Ben-Gurion International Airport. “The message must be sent that the further development of this ‘market’ is taboo and beyond the norms of acceptability,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association. Emirati Finance Minister Obaid Humaid al-Tayer said the Gulf state sought to establish legal frameworks with Israel “to achieve prosperity for both our economies and our people.”. Second, they had indeed taken into account college partying and quite a bit of it — more than 7,000 students partying three times a week in their model. “Can’t understand why someone with a physics degree would be bad at judging how often college students get invited to parties,” comments one of the XKCD characters. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign announced Tuesday it will delay the start of the 2021 spring semester and will “forego” Spring Break.

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